Thank you! Glasses come for 22 days, I am very happy. Cool stuff.
Louie Bashirian
Parcel arrived quickly, order of RF, Went 3-4 days, very happy. No damage. In General, very satisfied
Donnie Baumbach
Hello. The device is very good and worth the money. But! I have more sore eyes compared with cinema. Maybe just me. Joystick not needed, KMK. If double vision, over the bridge is the wheel that meets just for межфокусное distance. If not clear, the side closer/remove the image. Видеоформат is horizontal stereo pair. Good luck to all.
Joseph Glover
Last month in Perm, spent 3 hours looked much, tired eyes)))
Felipe Bosco
Shipping was 1 month, courier to your home! Cool stuff!!